
عرض المشاركات من أبريل ٤, ٢٠١٠

Fw: Holy Quran

   Very interesting findings of Dr. Tariq Al Swaidan might  grasp your attention: Dr.Tarig Al Swaidan discovered some verses in the Holy Qur'an That mention one thing is equal to another, i.e. men are equal to women. Although this makes sense grammatically, the astonishing fact is that the number of times the word man appears in  the Holy Qur'an is 24 and number of times the word woman appears is also 24, therefore not only is this phrase correct in the grammatical sense but also true mathematically, i.e. 24 = 24. Upon further analysis of various verses, he discovered that this is consistent throughout the whole Holy Qur'an where it says one thing is like another. See below for astonishing result of the words mentioned number of times in Arabic Holy Qur'an Dunia (one name for life) 115 . Aakhirat (one name for the life after this world) 115 Malaika (Angels...