Top Ten Reasons to Quit Your Job
These are the top ten reasons why you might want to quit your current job. These are difficult, if not impossible, work problems to solve. You need to look out for your best interests. Your job consumes too many hours of too many days of your life for you to stay where you are if you're miserable. No excuses, now. If these problems exist in your current job, make a plan, and quit your job. Your company is experiencing a downward spiral , losing customers, losing money, and rumors of possible closure, bankruptcy and failure prevail. Your relationship with your manager is damaged beyond repair . You have sought help to mend the relationship but you know it is too damaged for recovery. (Perhaps you were untrustworthy, missed work on too many days, or the manager acts like an untrustworthy jerk.) Whatever the reason, the relationship is irrecoverably damaged. Your life situation has changed. Perhaps you have married or had a baby, and the salary and benefits no longer support your li...